“From the number of vids I’ve seen… you’re the best in the business.”

"From the number of vids I've seen... you're the best in the business."

Inside Facebook’s Outsourced Anti-Porn Brigade


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6 February 2012

Facebook is “where ‘Camel Toes’ are More Offensive Than ‘Crushed Heads’” the article reads. And what a fascinating read it is after just having been banished from Facebook myself. Without nudity or explicit sexual imagery, I assume my account was disabled without notice by the Facebook team for talkin’ dirty. Maybe?

Who knows. They don’t ever explain, do they? There’s just a big, vague page of possible reasons and ambiguities to refer disabled account holders to after the fact. But isn’t it interesting to find out just how odd Facebook’s censorship habits really are? And just what gross, gory, disgusting, hateful stuff is still deemed okay? Well, that’d be just my opinion, of course. And that’s just what censorship actually is: one man’s opinion forced upon the rest of the population.

This recent article on Gawker.com is great. Truths behind Facebook’s censorship guidelines have been revealed… along with how they pay folks just $1/hour in the third world just to do their very dirty work. Geeze.

Read Inside Facebook’s Outsourced Anti-Porn and Gore Brigade, Where ‘Camel Toes’ are More Offensive Than ‘Crushed Heads’ by Adrian Chen.

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