“You brought to life a couple of my clip suggestions with stunning, detailed awesomeness and I’ve gotten very deep, excruciating enjoyment out of them as I hope others have as well.”

"You brought to life a couple of my clip suggestions with stunning, detailed awesomeness and I've gotten very deep, excruciating enjoyment out of them as I hope others have as well."

Of Course, You Can Ask Mommy Anything You Want


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25 February 2020

I’ve only wanted to be the best mother, the best mother I can possibly be. That’s what my son deserves.

I’ve always promised I’d be honest with him, always encouraged him to come to me with any questions. Anything at all. And… he has.

But parenting is always full of surprises. I could’ve never guessed just what my policy would mean, what my son would have in store for me. I didn’t know he could hear what his father and I talk about – what we do – after he’s been tucked snuggly into bed and we finally get our time alone together.

Maybe I shouldn’t have answered my son’s questions? Maybe I should’ve sugar-coated the answers? Maybe I shouldn’t have demonstrated just to help him understand…