“I’m so excited for all the great stuff you’re going to make this year.”

"I'm so excited for all the great stuff you're going to make this year."

Bratty Schoolgirl Teases You Endlessly


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13 August 2009

Ummmmm! What are YOU doing here? In my bedroom!! I’m gonna tell. No, wait. I have a better idea.

You better do every little thing that I say or I’m going to SCREAM!!! I’ll tell everyone that you tried to do dirty things to me. You better listen then. I’m going to have a little fun with you. Oh, yes. All for my own amusement!

Now, I think I’ll start with your clothes…. after you go get some supplies real quick: some shoelaces or string, some clamps or clothespins, and some handcuffs. Quick!! Now, you better not let me get bored, or I’m going to turn you in for the dirty old pervert with a small penis that you are.

Now, take a look at what you will NEVER have… oh, yes, that’s ME!! ha ha ha ha!!