“You are the only performer I could think of who could do this successfully and make it actually sound and look realistic.”

"You are the only performer I could think of who could do this successfully and make it actually sound and look realistic."

Deepening Your Addiction to Me


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6 February 2018

We know you need me. You want me. You can’t have enough of me. That’s why you watch my videos. That’s why you keep coming back for more. You never get enough. You always need more.

It’s perfectly natural… you’re ADDICTED to me. That’s the way… it’s ALWAYS going to be. And now, I want your addiction to deepen. Yes, I’m going to play a major role in your everyday life. I already do… and now, even more so.

Everyday things, everyday scenarios, are going to make you think of ME. You’re going to get so hard, just as you are now. And you will always, always have me on your mind and in your LIFE.