“I am in awe of you… hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go.”

"I am in awe of you... hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go."

Happy Birthday, I Love You SO Very Much


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28 June 2016

Happy birthday!!!!! I brought you breakfast… in bed!! Oh, aren’t you excited that it’s your birthday?! Finally?!

I love you soooo sooooo much… I’m so proud of you… you’re such a great son… and… well, I have a VERY special gift for you. Yes, I do. It’s something that I know you want, but you’re too shy to ask for.

I’m your mom, and I know EVERYTHING about you… EVERYTHING that you want. Would you like me to tell you what my special gift for you is? Are you ready for it??