“I am in awe of you… hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go.”

"I am in awe of you... hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go."

Hot and Sweaty from the Gym with a New Fuck Date Story to Share


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6 March 2010

Oooh, what a workout that was! …and I don’t mean with my personal trainer at the gym. Ha! Imagine me having the time of my life with not one but TWO cocks stuffed in my mouth…

Oh, did you wait up just for me? With your poor cock throbbing in your chastity belt and wondering what I was doing and when I’d be home? Poor thing. Ooh, I’m all hot and sweaty… can you smell that? I think hot cum is still dripping out of my asshole…

Oh, you want to hear more? Well, I’ll tell you every little dirty filthy detail about my hot, impromptu fuck date… for a price! What’s it worth to you? huh?