“You are definetly a hard worker, Tara. You’re the most hardworking girl in the business. That’s why your fans love you so much.”

"You are definetly a hard worker, Tara. You're the most hardworking girl in the business. That's why your fans love you so much."

It’s a Big Day for You at the Office, and It’s Going to Be an Excruciating One


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23 September 2011

Are you getting nervous already?? You know what’s going to happen. Your day is going to be ruined if you keep up all this anxiety. You’ve got to calm down. Don’t you remember that you fart when you’re nervous?? Now, how are you going to survive that simple discussion with your boss about your proposed promotion today if you’re PASSING GAS?!?!

This is a critical day, maybe the most important of your LIFE. You’ve got to keep it under control! Now, I have a solution for you. Just use this butt plug. Just insert it, you MUST wear it ALL day, and this will prevent ANYTHING from getting out. Of course, that means you’ll just be accumulating all that painful gas in your bloating stomach, you won’t be able to use the toilet all day, and you’ll be extremely uncomfortable.

Now, you HAVE to hide your discomfort from your boss! And, by all means, don’t let yourself orgasm while plugged up… I know how hot your female boss is! It’s going to be one hellish day for you! And I don’t pity you one bit.