“What sets you apart from other more pedestrian performers is your voice, natural attitude and innate sexiness.”

"What sets you apart from other more pedestrian performers is your voice, natural attitude and innate sexiness."

Our Super Secret Club #3


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24 November 2020

Oh, the look on your face as you wait in my guest room as directed – so polite and unsuspecting, nervous even. To think I have to reassure you that I am indeed washing and drying your trousers for you so you’re all ready to return home – on time! – without your parents any the wiser.

This is the Super Secret Club after all – not a word of your whereabouts or our fun and games is ever divulged to anyone. It’s all OUR SECRET.

Now, I know just how to break the ice and introduce you to something completely new in your youthful exuberance and inexperience. Candy will do the trick – the sweeter, the better. And hopefully, I’ll earn the invite to have a lick of YOURS…