“Incredible. I had no idea how passionate and articulate you were. I should’ve known because your videos are without a doubt very unique and very intimate.”

"Incredible. I had no idea how passionate and articulate you were. I should've known because your videos are without a doubt very unique and very intimate."

Adult Diaper

Time for Your Weekly Escort Appointment to Be Coddled by Your Mummy-for-Hire

It's just about time for my standing appointment... just need to apply my dark red shade of motherly lipstick and tie my frilly apron around my waist... my client should be here any moment. He's such a joy to play with every week  Read more...

Teasing and Reassuring My Big Momma’s Boy Sitting on Momma’s Warm Lap

Where's my sweet big boy? Are you hiding from your momma again... always playing games... There you are! Come here and sit on momma's lap. Now, be gentle and don't wiggle too much; you're very big and your momma's very small!  Read more...

If You’re Going to Act Like a Baby, Mommy Is Going to Have to Treat You Like One! – Day 4

What's this now?! Did you actually make a mess on Mommy's couch?! And try to cover it up with this dirty towel? I can smell your wet pants all the way over here! You know, I think this wetting problem  Read more...

If You’re Going to Act Like a Baby, Mommy Is Going to Have to Treat You Like One! – Day 3

Come here. We need to have a little talk. Now, does that look on your face mean what I think it means? Ah ha! That's why I already marked the calendar with a big thick "W" for your wet baby  Read more...

If You’re Going to Act Like a Baby, Mommy Is Going to Have to Treat You Like One! – Day 2

Wake up! It's time to get your grown butt out of bed. What are you doing still sleeping? Acting like a baby again? We're going to have to change all that. You're too old to be acting like a  Read more...