"I'm so excited for all the great stuff you're going to make this year."
She doesn't realize what a handsome young MAN you're growing into. But... your auntie has. And, well, I have a special present for you. Read more...
The discomfort and awkwardness is too much... and so is your impromptu hard-on. But your aunt doesn't want to let you go. In fact, she stands in your way and blocks your exit! What can you do?? Read more...
I'm house sitting for your mom over the weekend... and oh, boy, the look on your face when you came home from college and saw your aunt running around the house! Not my fault that my sister didn't tell you she asked me to Read more...
Do you feel a little... underdressed? Well, how about if I just change into a robe myself? Now, you can't feel out of place! ...here with me... alone ... in my bedroom... when neither of us are wearing hardly anything at all... Read more...
Were you just... WHY did you run away and HIDE from me!?!? You're such a strange one. I have the weirdest nephew in the world. Did you want to ask me something? Then, why were you out there standing over me silently while I Read more...
It's not all fun and games when you spend the afternoon at your auntie's house. There's always so much she needs your help with, so many tasks she asks you to do. But you don't mind so much... her eyes, her smile, Read more...
Now, it's time for you to get into bed. Let me tuck you in with a nice bedtime story... are you listening? Or are you staring at Auntie's cleavage? Hmmm?? Now, you are my favorite nephew, aren't you? And Read more...
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