“Thank you, I haven’t had this much fun masturbating in quite a while.”

"Thank you, I haven't had this much fun masturbating in quite a while."

Belly Button Fetish

The World’s Greatest Abs

It's true... but you've been too focused on... OTHER THINGS... to notice. I have the best abs on the planet... the sexiest abs you've ever seen and never bothered to notice. Just take a peek... you're going to be turned on by  Read more...

A Thorough Belly Exam Cures My Stomach Ache

Oh, my aching tummy! I can't stand this pain. I've been waiting patiently in this room for ages. When will the doctor finally see me?? I hope he can determine the problem right away. I hope he can make  Read more...

I Really Need Your Help… Where Should I Get a New Tattoo or Piercing?

I really need your help! Can I get your opinion on something? It won't take long at all... promise! hee hee hee I just want to know where YOU think I should get my next tattoo... or should I get  Read more...

Curing My Upset Stomach with Belly Rolls and Tummy Jiggling

Oh... ow! I must've eaten something bad. I gorged myself again, loved that full feeling of a big, stuffed tummy, and now it HURTS! oh.... I have to lie down. My tummy's grumbling and gurgling as it digests... it feels  Read more...

Showing Off My Belly Button and Sharing My Favorite Sexy Things to Do with It

Did you say you want to see my belly button? This belly button? Well, it so happens that I LOVE my belly button, especially playing with it. Isn't it cute? I'd love to bring you VERY close and show you  Read more...

I Love to Play with My Belly Button

Isn't my belly button lovely? I love its size, its shape, and everything about my cute little belly button. I haven't shared this with anyone before... I really love to play with my own belly button! It feels really good when  Read more...