“I am in awe of you… hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go.”

"I am in awe of you... hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go."

Belly Fetish

Oh, No! I Think I’ve Gained Weight!

Oh no... this can't be! Why is my belly pooching like that? No.... I swear I didn't look like this yesterday. My tight shirt must just be making me look a bit fat. No, wait! I have to check  Read more...

I Love to Play with My Belly Button

Isn't my belly button lovely? I love its size, its shape, and everything about my cute little belly button. I haven't shared this with anyone before... I really love to play with my own belly button! It feels really good when  Read more...