“I am in awe of you… hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go.”

"I am in awe of you... hence I am sending a request that, if made, may give me a heart attack, but what a way to go."

Body Inflation

You’ll Pay a Lofty Price for Your Curiosity

You've summoned me... and you do realize what a risk you are taking. In fact, I think you know EXACTLY where your curiosity will take you, what it will cause to happen to you. You know my sole purpose and responsibility... the  Read more...

Condemned to a Life of Overeating

It can't be... I'm perfect. It can't happen. Not to me. I CAN'T get fat! It's impossible. I'm gorgeous. I never even have an appetite... but I'm so hungry. Read more...

I Want a Balloon for a Boyfriend!

Don't worry about what I'm up to... I just want... to try something new. Just help me get this tank inside, okay? It's just a helium tank. Well, it's for you. I just thought it might be fun. Don't  Read more...

My Big Balloon Ride

You know that thing you've been wanting to try? ...inflating my sexy body, watching my breasts expand, seeing me become larger than life? Well, I think I'll be up for it... after a few tests. Actually, I've already poured the potion  Read more...

Ballooning My Body so We Can Both Pop

You want it as badly as I do, don't you. Yes... I want to do that thing. You know, that thing we talked about. I want to blow myself up for you... I want to feel myself inflate... I want to  Read more...

I Never Thought It’d All End This Way

Oh, imagine it! Your blueberry inflation fetish fantasies are about to come true... and mine are only just developing! I'm expanding for you, filling with sweet juice for you, positively bursting to maximum for you. I'm desperate, whining, so so apologetic  Read more...

Your Very Own Balloon Girl

Oh, yes. I'm your very own balloon girl... working right under your own nose as your secretary! You've found me out: I'm made of nothing but rubber! I'm literally one big balloon, nothing more and nothing less. Read more...

Filling Up to My Max for Your Inflation Fetish Desires

What do you want me to do?? Why that?? I don't get it... and I don't want any part in it. I don't want to play your weird fetish games.... what are you doing?? Hey, you're into bondage? You  Read more...

Blow Me Up until I Pop

Mmmm... I'm growing tighter! Look at my transparent skin... I can see your own big balloon cock pumping away at my inflated pussy! Are these breasts big enough for you yet?? I don't know how much more air I can take...  Read more...

Making Myself the Perfect Man

What's this?? Why, I think it's a MAN! A real... live.... MAN! Well, as soon as I inflate him.... He's huge... so big and robust. Just what I've always wanted! He's going to take a lot of blowing, require  Read more...