"You are by far the sexiest model on the internet and you are so talented. Your story lines are excellent, well acted, believable and so EROTIC."
It hasn't been the same... not since your father passed away. Since he's left our lives, it's been all I can do to just hold myself together really... and to be the mother you need me to be. Read more...
Aw... my new husband is finally waking up. How do you feel? For a while there, I thought I might have overestimated the dosage... didn't mean for you to never wake up again! Well, looks like everything is fine now. Read more...
It's such a beautiful wedding... one of those "destination weddings"... and you and I are sharing a room after the big event. While your mommy is enjoying her big wedding night with your new dad, I'm in charge of you: my favorite nephew. Read more...
We've waited for this night for SO long. You've been so faithful to me, all ensured by your vow of chastity and your devout willingness to remain under lock and key for the entire period of our engagement. These keys have been Read more...
What a very special day this is. It's our wedding day, darling! Doesn't it feel fantastic to finally be man and wife now?? We've waited so long for this moment. I know YOU have waited longest of all, holding out all Read more...
Mmmm... I was just remembering our wedding day, darling. Do you remember? Such a beautiful ceremony... do you still treasure the sight of me in my wedding gown? Was I the most beautiful bride you could ever dream of? Oh, Read more...
Oh, my goodness, I feel so sleepy now... maybe one more shot will wake me up. Better swallow down another to. "Cheers" to me and Daddy and our big wedding day! Oh, shoot, I better get dressed now... but what to Read more...
Despite that special night when I drank too much and was barely able to meet with my old Sugar Daddy for our date (refer to "Drunk Little Girl's Seduction of Sugar Daddy" video clips), I DID persuade him to propose to me! I Read more...
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