“You’re far and away the best performer out there in my opinion.”

"You're far and away the best performer out there in my opinion."


It’s Small Penis Acceptance Day

I know you small dicked guys don't get much action. I mean, do you really ever get ANY?? You're so tiny... totally inadequate really... and so, what can you expect? Well, tis the season for sharing and giving. So, I  Read more...

Oops! You Weren’t Supposed to See Me Like This

I need your help, Honey! Now, don't be upset seeing your mother like this. I know you don't understand; it must look so strange to you. Don't worry, and don't be scared. I just need you to untie me. Please! Read more...

Touching Auntie Is Naughty… Unless It’s an Accident

Oh, honey, why are you so distracted from doing your homework? What in the world will I tell your mother when she asks why it isn’t finished already when she comes to pick you up? Are you looking at your auntie, honey?  Read more...

I’ve Done a Really Bad Thing

Oh, Baby, Mommy's done a really bad thing. I didn't really want it, didn't ASK for it, but it's done now. It's happened. You're my little confidante, my darling boy, the love of my life. We can tell each other  Read more...

Showing Off My Newfound Super Strength

Can it be? Can my body really transform in mere moments? Can my tired, dorky, underdeveloped, lazy, out-of-shape, and hopeless self be changed into a... a... a superheroine?!? Is it possible? I can barely believe it... just this morning, I  Read more...

Your Most Humiliating Orgasm Yet

You just can't get enough, can you? You want me to demand that you embarrass yourself... for your pleasure AND your pain. You want me to name one nasty task after another. You want to feel REALLY dirty. You want  Read more...

Let Me Comfort You

I'm just a bit cold... can I crawl into your bed? I'll just slip out of my velvety robe, tuck my toes next to yours, nuzzle my head next to yours. Read more...

A Whore without Boundaries

How do you react when you catch your mother headed out the door dressed as a whore? Watch your tongue; your disappointment may offend her... even as she explains just why she has sex with men - many, many men - for money.  Read more...

I Found Your Superman Costume; Now, I Want a Piece of Your Super Cock

I just had to do it... to follow my hunch. There was something different about you... something fit and toned hiding under those slouchy office clothes... something different about the way you separated yourself from everyone else in the office. I just  Read more...

It Starts with a Kissing Lesson…

Did you honestly not have any idea what you were getting yourself into when you asked your own aunt for a kissing lesson? Of course, you couldn't ask your mother; she's not so open-minded. But your aunt's pretty open... she's unmarried after  Read more...