“I think it’s really chill that you write back to fans. It shows how real and down to earth you are.”

"I think it's really chill that you write back to fans. It shows how real and down to earth you are."

cum countdown

I’ve Been Watching You

I hate to interrupt your usual programming... but it's time for an intervention... of sorts. Just as you've always suspected - as you peruse the internet for porn to get off with - there IS a government agency spying on and taking note  Read more...

Now, Tell Me Who’s Really in Control

When she walks in to apply for the administrative assistant position, you're instantly confronted with just how great life is as a successful, wealthy businessman with the power to give this beautiful little thing a chance for all her dreams to come true... as  Read more...

How Dare You

It's not my fault if our SON found that video. Would you actually say that it's MY fault that I found him jerking off to it??!? Read more...

My Mother Makes Me Do It While Dad’s in the Next Room

You have to commit sexual acts when she demands it of you. For whatever reason she demands. HOWEVER she demands. That's just the way it is. Read more...

Oh, Sweet Jesus, Save My Poor Boy from His Impurity!

You must expel that evil from your young body. You cannot be in that condition! It is wrong in the eyes of the Lord! Read more...

Tell Mommy What’s Been Distracting You from Your Football Practice

I should've known... my boy loves breasts! Is it mommy's breasts that have been distracting you all this time or any woman's? Read more...