“I enjoy watching your charming eyes and your gorgeous smile, I also have to admit that I can’t resist your ultra hot body and your playful personality.”

"I enjoy watching your charming eyes and your gorgeous smile, I also have to admit that I can't resist your ultra hot body and your playful personality."

Cunt Busting

Cracking My Own Nuts… Yes, I Do Have Them!

But you don't know what it's like! All you women out there thinking you know what it's like to be packing your OWN pair of testicles and just how much it hurts to have them smacked, slam, hit, and punched. You don't  Read more...

Busting My Balls and Getting a Big Thrill Out of It

Wonder what I'd look like with big old balls hanging from my crotch, squeezed into my tight denim jeans? Let's find out! Don't I look tough now? I love holding my crotch, squeezing my balls, and... purposely trying to cause them  Read more...

How Low Can My Crotch in Tight Jeans Go?

I'm so excited! There's a limbo game set up and waiting for me... a great chance to try out my favorite tight, button fly jeans. How low can they go? And what if my crotch hits the limbo bar? Is  Read more...

Another Big Cunt Busting and Crotch Grabbing Day in Tight Button Fly Jeans

OUCH! I'm so accident prone! Is it these tight jeans? Maybe my sneakers don't fit well? Or am I just a clutz? I'm just not looking where I'm going, just too preoccupied or distracted, and I'm never going to  Read more...

ALL My Clothes Are Now Too Small!

Oh, why does getting dressed have to be such a big ordeal! This never happened before YOU fattened me up! What am I going to do now?! It starts with my panties... I can barely pull them up over my buns...  Read more...

My Big and Bruising Cunt Busting Day

I'm so accident prone today! Oh, my cunt is THROBBING! My pussy is bruised... my poor little pelvic bone! I think it's busted... I just keep running into things at crotch level... I'm in so much pain! Stop laughing;  Read more...