“You do an excellent job, and you have a beautiful voice and a stunning body. Just the perfect encouragement needed to make things happen.”

"You do an excellent job, and you have a beautiful voice and a stunning body. Just the perfect encouragement needed to make things happen."


You Got Me Pregnant!

It's so unfair! How did this happen to me?? Oh, don't give me that look! Yes, of course, it was YOUR fault... your COCK's fault! I was taking every precaution, but I guess it just wasn't enough against the effects  Read more...

Condemned to a Life of Overeating

It can't be... I'm perfect. It can't happen. Not to me. I CAN'T get fat! It's impossible. I'm gorgeous. I never even have an appetite... but I'm so hungry. Read more...

I Have to Plump Up Fast to Save My Relationship!

I can't believe what my girlfriend is telling me! He... MY man... is actually out right this minute with... with a BIG girl! I swear, it had to be a joke, but my girlfriend promises she actually saw them and MY man  Read more...

You’re Going to Be Forced to Be with Me through Thin or THICK

You're a high-powered businessman with a real agenda. You're going places. And I'm so proud to be your wife. I keep myself so neat and perfect for you, staying in shape and guarding my figure to make you happy and proud.  Read more...

The Perfect Dinner: YOU in a Cheese Sandwich

I am SO hungry! I need something to eat right away after the long work day. What can I have that's quick to prepare and very delicious? I know! Now, where's that tasty little man I stuffed in a cabinet  Read more...

A Secret Midnight Rendezvous with Cake

Mmmmm... I have the taste of dessert in mind. It's time for my pudding! I'm just going to quietly sneak downstairs, tip toe into the kitchen, and ... oh, which delicious birthday cake do I want?? It is MY birthday after  Read more...

Demonstrating My Intentions to Crush Your Bare Hands Under My Feet

It's time for your punishment. Well... a prelude to your punishment. You know I love to string you along in agony and prolong your torment. I've had enough, and you're going to be punished for your wrongdoing. You DESERVE  Read more...

Smothering Sticky Pastries with My Curvy Bare Bottom

Mmmm... look at all these delicious little cakes. And with a sweet cream filling! So delicate and soft... and squishy! You know what I have to do. I'm going to slip right out of my sexy lingerie, peel off my  Read more...

You’re Not Fat Enough for Me… You Should Be Eating Right Now!

What are you doing just sitting on the couch? You should be eating right now! I want you eating at ALL times! CONSTANTLY! You're not getting fat enough fast enough. I want you to be FOUR times my size!  Read more...

You Want MORE Candy, Fatty? Be Careful What You Ask For

Did I hear "trick or treat?" Mmm... what have we here? I bet you want some candy, don't you! I can tell by the looks of your big, fat belly peering at me through your costume? Now, what are you  Read more...