"I do really appreciate the energy and imagination you put into this and will continue to respect this really unique craft you've mastered."
Why, James, so nice of you to join us. I've been waiting to meet you for some time now. It's too bad that it must be under these circumstances. You were a difficult one to catch. Now, look at you.... Read more...
Hmmm... I'm afraid your condition is indeed quite dire. Did the doctor not inform you of the final diagnosis? I'm afraid you've been afflicted with a rare and potentially lethal virus causing you to shrink every time that you ejaculate. Let Read more...
Shhhh... I'll be as quiet as possible... I want to sneak up on you while you're still sound asleep... to surprise you with some hot sexual fun! You've never tried this before, and neither have I. Oh, but I've heard Read more...
Hi, Honey! I'm so glad you agreed to take some time out for us to get to know each other better. I wanted to take this opportunity to dispel those horrible rumors you've heard about me, those crazy criticisms... a gold digger?!? Read more...
Come on in... You're the film director, am I correct? And you're having trouble with the film actresses working for you? I have helped many learn to be much more assertive and eschew any timid or submissive tendencies. My powers of Read more...
You're still hard at work I see... Don't think all of your extra effort goes unnoticed. As your boss, I see EVERYTHING. I've caught you staring at my pantyhosed legs everyday, eying them from toe to thigh... Do you have a Read more...
Your girlfriend's younger sister continues to carry out her plan to get back at her sister by inviting you over. She calls you with desperation in your voice, claiming that she has news to tell you that must be shared in person. Read more...
My lifetime goal, my grand scheme, is almost within reach. I can FEEL it now. All I have to do is lure Superman to my home, the Man of Steel himself, under the guise of a helpless woman in distress. He Read more...
Look what we have here... Oh, are you feeling a little helpless at the moment? Don't worry. You're in good hands! Oh, these are VERY skilled hands. Have you ever come at a woman's touch before? Oh, don't Read more...
Ugh. Another meeting your soon-to-be ex-wife has set up for you. You're just going along with it knowing the divorce hearing is finally presented before the judge next week, and all of this hassle will be over. Your wife will be Read more...
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