“I never had fantasies until I found you.”

"I never had fantasies until I found you."


It’s Time for You to Experience the Ultimate in Cum Eating

That's right... all you have to do is get your cock out, tease me with it, show it off for me, and then you're gonna come HARD for me. Yes, you ARE. And then? Read more...

Oh, the Trouble Your Cock Gets You Into

Need I warn you of what dangers befall you every time you buy one of my videos? No, I'm not talking about the threat of addiction to me... or the possible heart condition caused by those Earth-shattering orgasms I cause... but you must realize  Read more...

Getting Inside Her Head Goes Too Deep

It's just another day on the beat, just a quick check into a local household for a perpetrator known for criminal activity. She doesn't appear to be home so... I'll have a look around. What a dump... what a life this woman  Read more...

Do I Look Like the Girls in the Magazines?

I thought... well, maybe I could just pose for you... like those girls in the magazines... and... well, you can get it out if you want to. Read more...

Feel That, Baby? I’m Making Your Cock GROW

It's happening. Can you feel it? Do you see your cock growing BIGGER? I'm doing that to you, baby. You're growing right in your own hands... in my hands... between my breasts. You're getting bigger... bigger still. You're  Read more...

My Big Plans for My Little Girl

My little girl-boy is growing up... you're turning 16 - sweet 16 - and I'm so very proud of what you've become. No, no, no... it's too late for you to ever be a boy. I might as well share with you  Read more...

Taking You to the Darkest Depths of Your Own Depravity

Let's not waste any time. I want you to relax... just lie back, rest your weary body, and focus on the sound of my voice... I'm going to spend a lot of time with you, really focus on guiding you toward a deep  Read more...

Deepening Your Addiction to Me

We know you need me. You want me. You can't have enough of me. That's why you watch my videos. That's why you keep coming back for more. You never get enough. You always need more. Read more...