"You are the number 1 foot tease quite simply because you have these utterly amazing feet!! They are like super feet!"
You asked... and I love to deliver! Aw, have I been neglecting you? Are you feeling left out of some of the fun? Now, you know all you have to do is ask... I'm here to serve. And I love Read more...
Mmmm... you're in for a treat tonight! I know that look in your eye... I've got just what you want. Strike that. You NEED it! Follow my instructions and we'll have some serious fun. I'm taking the dominant role Read more...
Ready for the most powerful orgasm of your life? I know just how to serve it up to you. You're going to need my help. Heck, I know you just can't do it without me. You want me to guide Read more...
Oh, you're in for one heck of a day! I can't believe what you put me through. I never should've let you move back into the house after your father kicked you out LAST time! You and your weird shrinking fetish... Read more...
You love little games... little sexy, alluring games. Let's play! I just happen to be completely covered in sexy silky see-through scarves... almost head to toe. Do you want to see what's beneath? Are you willing to work for it? Read more...
Oh no... there is not ANOTHER bad little boy in my classroom who failed to come on command after my very determined session in teaching all of you real discipline! YOU... right in the front... YOU will be detained after class for your Read more...
So... what do we have here? Why... you've ordered up a smaller penis?!?! Why in the world would you... Well, let me see what you have going on down there. Lift up your gown for me. Whoa!!! But Read more...
Hello... Are you going to invite your teacher in? You know I make few of these appointments for home lessons. If you weren't such a bad student - with potential - I wouldn't make the time for you. Now, we Read more...
Mmmm... I'm in the mood to play. You know it! This sexy big fat veiny dildo is calling me. And my mouth desperately wants it! *hiccup!* Ooops! Not the hiccups! Is it sexy if I'm hiccuping while Read more...
"Next please! Yes, your name? Okay... the number you were given when you came in? All right, then. And... we're asking every gentleman to tell us his perceived size. Yes, be honest please. Doesn't matter if you've measured Read more...
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