“Shocked by the acting, production values and accessibility of your videos. I know it is hard work. You and your team are surprisingly high quality.”

"Shocked by the acting, production values and accessibility of your videos. I know it is hard work. You and your team are surprisingly high quality."


Goodnight, My Darling #4

How are we going to help you sleep tonight - on a night like this of all nights?? I'm going to have to tell you my favorite story of all, a special CHRISTMAS story... Read more...

Our Super Secret Club #3

This is the Super Secret Club after all - not a word of your whereabouts or our fun and games is ever divulged to anyone. It's all OUR SECRET. Read more...

Auntie Is Going to Teach You Both How to Masturbate—and MORE

if one or both of you gets a bit curious... well, you know your Auntie is always here for you to answer your questions... even whatever LESSONS you may need... Read more...

Your Compliments Always Make Me Want to Give You More, More, More…

I've been paid a new, sexy compliment... can you guess yet another feature of my womanly body I've been complimented on all the more? Oh, had I any idea what you love... what ELSE you love about me... you know I would've granted  Read more...