"You are the only performer I could think of who could do this successfully and make it actually sound and look realistic."
A mother's love knows NO BOUNDS. I don't have to explain it, and I shouldn't be asked to. When my stepson needs me, I will do everything in my power to take care of him; it's my job to protect him and Read more...
Honey... it's time for a very serious discussion. I think it's more than necessary. I don't think you understand the real seriousness of your... your CONDITION. Read more...
We absolutely must make an appointment with the doctor. I just don't know how to handle my stepson's constantly erupting cock anymore. It's growing larger, needier, and even though I've done absolutely everything the doctor so expertly guided me to do, it Read more...
It's so nice for all three of us to spend some quality time together. Things have been so... awkward lately. My stepson's medical issues with his overdeveloped cock just aren't subsiding and his needs are exhausting me... not to mention how difficult Read more...
Oh, no, not HERE, honey!!! You can't... I can't... there are people around!! Oh gosh, oh gosh, how could this happen? I don't know what affects you so much; I don't know why your oversized manhood has grown erect right here Read more...
Oh, dear. Now, honey, I... can't you see that I'm in the middle of washing the dishes?! Look at me... I'm all covered in suds and soap, up to my elbows in rubber gloves, and I just dropped that darn dish and Read more...
Ah, now, don't be embarrassed. I'm your stepmother! This is just a medical procedure. Think of it this way. The doctor said that you, um, well, you have an overdeveloped penis... yes, and your testicles are enormous and engorged with Read more...
Life has been... so calm. He's cured, you know. He's actually not had a reoccurrence of his... "condition" .... Read more...
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