“Incredible. I had no idea how passionate and articulate you were. I should’ve known because your videos are without a doubt very unique and very intimate.”

"Incredible. I had no idea how passionate and articulate you were. I should've known because your videos are without a doubt very unique and very intimate."


This Time the Iron Is Just for Me

I'm so excited! I finally have a moment alone... I've been looking forward to this all week long! This time, I'm warming up the iron just for ME! No clothes to iron and press, no household chores to do, not even  Read more...

I’m Here to Tempt You Out of Millions; What’s Your Weakness?

Hi, there. *smile* I've heard something very exciting about you... that you've actually bet that you could remain completely chaste - no orgasms at all, not even enjoying masturbation - for a full 40 days. Is that so?? My, oh  Read more...

Sugar Baby Gets Liquored Up on Her Wedding Day Part 1

Despite that special night when I drank too much and was barely able to meet with my old Sugar Daddy for our date (refer to "Drunk Little Girl's Seduction of Sugar Daddy" video clips), I DID persuade him to propose to me! I  Read more...

We’re Going to Play Grownup Duck-Duck-Goose!

You love to play games, don't you. I know you do! I'm going to teach you a new one: a fun childhood favorite made all grownup and super sexy... It's time to play! Now, here are the rules; you must follow them  Read more...

Your Sexy Step Mom Films a Secret Masturbation Video for You

Hello there! If you're watching me right now, then you must've found the special DVD I secretly placed in your bedroom for you. You clever boy! Now that your father has returned from his business trip and is home with us  Read more...

Chew Chew Chewing My Way to Orgasm

Look what I have: a nice big, soft piece of bubblegum... the chewiest, juiciest, loudest kind of all! Let me show you... Mmmm, it's so tasty! The flavor's so yummy, my mouth is filling with sweet juice, and I love to chew  Read more...

Stripping to Iron My Clothes in the Nude and Enjoy a Steamy Orgasm

I'm so excited about ironing my outfit! I love running the hot iron over my soft clothes and getting them all crisp and perfectly wrinkle-free before going out. Isn't it exciting how the hot metal iron runs so smoothly over the linen?  Read more...

Cheerleader Plays a Trick and Makes Endless Fun of Your Small Penis

Oh, my... I have the BEST idea ever! I love to pick on and tease you horny guys who love to stare at us cute cheerleaders during practice... I'm totally going to switch the signs over the girls and boys' locker rooms.   Read more...

I’m Here to Ensure You Have a Very Comfortable Flight

How are you this afternoon, Sir? Well, that's wonderful. I'll be your air hostess assigned to our First Class passengers aboard today, and I'm here to ensure that you have the most comfortable flight possible. You just press that call button  Read more...

Snotty Little Schoolgirl Teases You While Stripping

Ah... what are you staring at me for? I think you want something... I bet I know what it is. Yep. You're wishing I'd take all my clothes off so you could look at my naked body! You big  Read more...