“Your delivery leaves your competitors’ content in the dust.”

"Your delivery leaves your competitors' content in the dust."

video series

Quick and Dirty Series: I Bet You Can’t Come for Me in Just Five Minutes

Ah, so you like it quick and dirty, do ya? And you've gotta have it now? Right when I'm about to head out the door for an errand? Oh, you're so insatiable! Look at you... ready to whip your cock  Read more...

High-Speed Masturbation Marathon: StripTEASE Edition

So... you think you're up to the next challenge? Oh, do I have something special in store for you... I'm feeling particularly mischievous today! I want to truly test your stamina, your patience, your ability to withstand some SERIOUS teasing. Oh,  Read more...

An After Dinner Game of Duck-Duck-Goose

I had such a great time with you. Thank you for such a lovely dinner date! Now, I know that particular look in your eye.... What is it that you want? Need I even ask? No, wait. I  Read more...

The Grownup Duck-Duck-Goose Game: Advanced Edition

Oh, you're coming back for more, are you? Already? Well, I can't blame you... this game is so much fun! The adult version of your favorite childhood duck-duck-goose game is so very sexy. Are you ready for a real challenge  Read more...

Aversion Therapy Session 10: Your Final Challenge

Hello! Well, I see that you have your pants down around your ankles and all ready for me already! Let me unlock your chastity cage for you. Now, come in and have a seat. We have to get started right  Read more...

Aversion Therapy Session 9: Testing Your Temptation and Pain Tolerance

Hi, there. Now, how has your week been? Really? No temptation, no slip-ups, no masturbation? I'm so proud of you. I'm very impressed by your progressive trend. Yes, very happy with your results and skills learned at this  Read more...

High-Speed Masturbation Marathon: In-Flight Edition

Yes, Sir? Did you ring for me? Yes, I can take care of that for you. Do you need anything else? Well, my name is Tara, and I'll be your personal air hostess on your flight this afternoon. Yes,  Read more...

Aversion Therapy Session 8: Temptation and Punishment Heightens

All right. Are you ready for today's session? Are you sure? We have reached our eighth session together already. Your aversion therapy and our time together are almost over. I am very satisfied with your progress thus far, and  Read more...

Aversion Therapy Session 7: Binding Your Cock with Elastic Bands

Good afternoon! Have a seat. I wanted to go over your charted progress with you. As you can see, your level of self control and the improvement of your condition is steadily improving week to week. I'm very happy with  Read more...

Aversion Therapy Session 6: Making a Cum Sandwich with Your Cock

Come on in. How was your week? Did you remain perfectly chaste? No tampering with your chastity device throughout the entire week since our last session? Very good. I'm impressed with your ongoing progress. Now, did you bring  Read more...