“You are AMAZING! You know how to make a man feel special!”

"You are AMAZING! You know how to make a man feel special!"

Virtual Handjob

Welcome Home, Son

And while you're here at home on leave for only a week, I want you to know how very grateful I am... Read more...

I Knew You’d Come Around to My Way

Tell me that it isn’t true. Your father said you’re actually entertaining the idea of NOT attending Harvard – which we have already paid for – and you’re NOT going to study law? After all I’ve done for you? Despite how close we’ve always  Read more...

I’ve Got to Have More of Your Seductive Super Seed

I can't BELIEVE Ultraman managed to drain all my newfound powers by tricking me into drinking a reversal potion! Now, I'm chained up, bereft, done for. Or... well, he may have managed to take away the superpowers I'd sucked right out of  Read more...

We’ve Got All Weekend

I'm house sitting for your mom over the weekend... and oh, boy, the look on your face when you came home from college and saw your aunt running around the house! Not my fault that my sister didn't tell you she asked me to  Read more...

The Cost of Your Cheating Ways: Mixing Pain with Pleasure

Oh, you SHOULD be scared. I've discovered you've cheated on me. You didn't hide it very well. All the evidence I need is right there on your computer. That's why I'm so calm. It frightens you, doesn't it.   Read more...

Looks Like We’re Snowed In…

Do you feel a little... underdressed? Well, how about if I just change into a robe myself? Now, you can't feel out of place! ...here with me... alone ... in my bedroom... when neither of us are wearing hardly anything at all... Read more...

I’m the One for You

What?!?! You... some girl gave you a love letter at school today?! That's... no... you can't... no, no, no. You're too young. Stay away from girls. Read more...

You MUST Have Stuffed Your Pants

You know, I had no idea what I was in for when I sat down next to you at the bar and then you invited me to sit all the closer. I didn't know... well, how could I have guessed?? I just  Read more...

My Poisonous Lips Lure Superman to His Doom

I already know how all this ends... it always ends the same way, even though you men just never seem to figure it all out. Is it because you're run by your cocks? Read more...