"You are my absolute favourite 'instructor'. I love the way you talk and love your voice. You also send a nonjudgement vibe which I like, some sort of kindness. That's what MOST of your colleague's lack."
We've waited for this night for SO long. You've been so faithful to me, all ensured by your vow of chastity and your devout willingness to remain under lock and key for the entire period of our engagement. These keys have been Read more...
I hear you can find anything on the internet. Any kind of information. ...the most odd, the most hidden, the most unbelievable. There's an urban myth (or is it?) that tells the story of men browsing the internet for a well Read more...
You looked like my best client yet... driving up in that fancy car and practically throwing money at me. I wanted to be yours for a few hours... maybe even overnight... I had NO idea you'd "take me" for a lifetime! I'm Read more...
Mmmm... I can't wait to get a piece of that bod!! I've been DYING to undress you all night. You look so tight, hard, and beefy! I'm so glad you wanted to bring me home... let's get it on! We Read more...
It's bedtime. You know, the time of night when, no matter how long or hard the day has been, you and I make time for each other. It's just you and me. Our time. Now, stop with the teasing. Read more...
Hmmmm... what do we have here?? Yes, you're just what I've been waiting for... my Batman come to save me. Finally? Oh, no? Am I wrong? Are you still frightened of me? Still hesitant? Well, now, be Read more...
Come on, baby... now, really??? I'm so sleepy... Can't we just sleep in for a bit? Hee hee hee... don't poke me! I'm trying to ignore you... politely. I'm so tired! What? What is it really? That's Read more...
Oh, dear. Did you read this list of possible side effects on the bottle of vitamins you're taking every night before bed?? Says here that you could find yourself growing smaller! Wow. You know what... Oh, uh, honey... I don't Read more...
It all begins now. Well, because of your present condition, of course. I mean, how can I possibly remain satisfied with a husband who's been in a terrible accident and is now missing his appendages? Seriously. What can you do Read more...
This is the LAST time we're going to have this conversation! There's no room for discussion, I am going to keep my job and maintain my successful career. I'm not handing it all in for you, I'm not giving anything up for Read more...
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