“I hope that in my life I connect with somebody even half as sexually inspiring as you. I hope everything in your life is as positive as your fans\’ wishes for you.”

"I hope that in my life I connect with somebody even half as sexually inspiring as you. I hope everything in your life is as positive as your fans\' wishes for you."

Virtual Sex

Your Brothel Visit Turns Humiliating When Your Small Dick Can’t Perform

Seriously, I just don't know what to do with that thing. I mean, I have NEVER seen a penis so small!! You can't expect to be able to fuck with that thing! Seriously? Look... I've done all I can for  Read more...

The Myth of the Succubus

You've heard the myth... all the stories of old.... tales of a mythical creature, a sexy feminine demon, a seductress and temptress of the most powerful variety... appearing before men in their sleep to take advantage of them, mind, body, and soul! You've  Read more...

Cum Fu Sex Tournament: Besting Your Master

Ah, my favorite student has returned for his final, most challenging, and ultimate test. You have set your eyes upon entering the upcoming Cum Fu Sex Tournament where you will be faced with many different sexy opponents, masters in the ancient arts of  Read more...

Sneaking Up on You for Some Sexy Surprise Vacuum Play

Shhhh... I'll be as quiet as possible... I want to sneak up on you while you're still sound asleep... to surprise you with some hot sexual fun! You've never tried this before, and neither have I. Oh, but I've heard  Read more...

Your StepMom Lures You Out of Bed for School with Her Soapy, Silky Tits

Trying that excuse again? You're such a naughty boy. There's no way you're stepmom is going to let you get away with skipping school today either. Remember the challenge she set for you last time you tried to play sick?   Read more...

Your Boss Issues a Pantyhose Reward for All Your Hard Work

You're still hard at work I see... Don't think all of your extra effort goes unnoticed. As your boss, I see EVERYTHING. I've caught you staring at my pantyhosed legs everyday, eying them from toe to thigh... Do you have a  Read more...

Your Gilfriend’s Little Sister Works to Win You Over as Her Holiday Prize – Part 2

Your girlfriend's younger sister continues to carry out her plan to get back at her sister by inviting you over. She calls you with desperation in your voice, claiming that she has news to tell you that must be shared in person.   Read more...

The Epic Seduction and Destruction of Superman

My lifetime goal, my grand scheme, is almost within reach. I can FEEL it now. All I have to do is lure Superman to my home, the Man of Steel himself, under the guise of a helpless woman in distress. He  Read more...

My Worst Date Ever

Oh, my gosh! I do have a horrible date story to share. It was my worst date EVER! I've told this story so many times, and it makes ALL my girlfriends roll with laughter every time! I've even told it  Read more...

Taking Advantage of You When You’re Most Vulnerable

Oh, my gosh!! Are you all right??! I saw your house is a mess... your front door was wide open! What are you doing all tied up? Have you been robbed? Oh, my gosh! I should untie you...  Read more...