"I'm so excited for all the great stuff you're going to make this year."
Oh, dear. Now, honey, I... can't you see that I'm in the middle of washing the dishes?! Look at me... I'm all covered in suds and soap, up to my elbows in rubber gloves, and I just dropped that darn dish and Read more...
Ah, now, don't be embarrassed. I'm your stepmother! This is just a medical procedure. Think of it this way. The doctor said that you, um, well, you have an overdeveloped penis... yes, and your testicles are enormous and engorged with Read more...
Oh, is the party over already? Where is everyone? I must've passed out during all the festivities! Oh, do you think your aunt threw a great party? Mmmm... I don't know what I got up to last night; I don't Read more...
Yes, it's me again. I know, I know. You spent most of this year making up to your wife for cheating on her last Christmas. Well, I did what I had to do. We just had way too many people Read more...
Oh, now, we will not have a repeat of last time. I'm glad that's understood. In fact, we're going to forget ALL about that. It's been a while now since we've taken a little road trip together. Once again, we're Read more...
Honey, would you mind helping me? I could really use your opinion. I'm going out with my girlfriends tonight and well, you know I don't go out much. I really need some fun, you know? Something to do while your Read more...
You've been watching me - behind my back - all this time, and you've been getting harder and harder... Read more...
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