“I have recently discovered your work and have found it to be a wonderful experience. Your openness to the fantasies and desires of others with full commitment and understanding is truly phenomenal.”

"I have recently discovered your work and have found it to be a wonderful experience. Your openness to the fantasies and desires of others with full commitment and understanding is truly phenomenal."

Your Sexy StepMom Takes Advantage of You at the Breakfast Table


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5 March 2011

Now, where did he get off to? How come he’s not still in his bed as he should be on a weekend morning? Is he trying to avoid me?? Oh, is that my stepson I hear down in the kitchen fixing himself breakfast? He couldn’t possibly be trying to avoid our usual private rendezvous… our little tradition when his father is out of town.

I’m teaching my stepson so many things; I feel a very important part of his coming of age. Properly. And, I admit, I do look forward to our secret moments together…. I just can’t fathom why he’d sneak out of bed so early, run downstairs to the kitchen, and not wait for a visit from his horny stepmother. Our time together is so precious and not at all frequent.

I’ll just have to try something different. I’ll just quietly crawl under the dining table, and he’ll succumb to this morning’s game just as soon as he feels his stepmom’s hand on his younger cock right through his boxer shorts…