“You brought to life a couple of my clip suggestions with stunning, detailed awesomeness and I’ve gotten very deep, excruciating enjoyment out of them as I hope others have as well.”

"You brought to life a couple of my clip suggestions with stunning, detailed awesomeness and I've gotten very deep, excruciating enjoyment out of them as I hope others have as well."

Your Very Own Balloon Girl


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11 September 2013

Oh, yes.  I’m your very own balloon girl… working right under your own nose as your secretary!  You’ve found me out: I’m made of nothing but rubber!  I’m literally one big balloon, nothing more and nothing less.

You’ve called me into your office to carry out my punishment… but not until you’ve had a bit of fun with me first and watch me squirm, confess, and accept my fate.  I’m JUST a poor balloon girl after all… I guess it’s just my time.  All that will be left of me soon are bits of popped Tara…